Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marya Case-Ruchala

My current occupation in life, besides interning at Pop Wuj, is as an undergraduate student at Indiana University.  I just finished my freshman year there as a Business Economics and Public Policy major, Cultural Anthropology and Spanish minor. I came to Pop Wuj three years ago as a sophomore in high school to do the Spanish immersion program.  Later during my senior year of high school I worked for AmeriCorps as a youth volunteer coordinator.  I had very impressionable and positive experiences both with Pop Wuj and AmeriCorps, so when I heard Pop Wuj was looking for a volunteer coordinator I jumped at the opportunity to come back.  My first 4 weeks here have flown by and I have 5 remaining.  In the mean time, I'll do my best to keep you all updated about and work to develop the projects!